865-448-3070 info@gracehillart.com
Gracehill Fine Art & Basketry Where Sand Meets Water

Gracehill Fine Art & Basketry

Kathleen A Janke, Artist

110 Mountain Ave. Townsend, TN   37882

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Amber Waves


Artisan baskets with wooden branch


Alcohol Inks

Alcohol Inks Gracehill Fine Art and Basketry

Alcohol Inks

Photography on

Specialty Gifts

Mugs, Tumblers, Aprons, Totes, Puzzles, Art on Metal and Prints

Guilds & Associations

Southern Highland Guild
Townsend Artisan Guild
Blount County Arts and Craft Guild
Foothills Craft Guild
Art Guild of Tellico Village
TN Artist’s Association
TN Craft
Oak Ridge Art Center

Arts Cultural Alliance
American Gourd Society
Blount County Chamber of Commerece
Townsend Cades Cove Gateway Alliance


Artisan CLASSES offered at my Gallery in Townsend, TN:

M-T Mar 24 & 25 (10-4)  2 Day
Alcohol Inks Landscape & Floral $165

M-T April 7 & 8 (10-4) 2 Day
Pine Needle Coiling Gourd Basketry $178

Wed April 9 (10-4) 1 Day Alcohol Ink Landscape $90

Thurs April 10 (10-4) 1 Day Alcohol Ink Floral $90

April 9 and 10 can be taken together and the fee is $165

If I don’t fill  March 24-25 2 day ink class, I would consider taking one day enrollments in those classes.  It is helpful to take Landscapes before Floral.

If you click on the links above, it will describe the classes in detail. If interested, email me your name, email address, and phone number, along with which class and I will fill the rooster in the order I receive your emails. I’ll call you to confirm and to obtain your credit card number.

I am the retired innkeeper of Gracehill Bed and Breakfast.  I closed and sold the B&B, and built and opened Gracehill Fine Art and Basketry at 110 Mountain Ave in Townsend, TN.  It’s a corner lot on Hwy 321 across the highway from the Gulf Gas Station.  It has been a journey!  Hours are listed if you do a Google search and I am often here before and after the listed hours. Just look for the open sign.

After painting in oils for most of my life, I discovered and fell in love with Alcohol Inks. With alcohol ink, it all comes down to the medium’s spontaneity and brilliant color.  I paint mostly mountain scenes and florals, with an occasional abstract thrown in.  You can buy originals framed with conservation clear glass or in a clip art glass frame.  The painted tiles are all original.  I do have matted archival giclee prints of some of my originals also available priced between $18 and $35.  The inspiration for these paintings is the gardens and mountains that surround me.

Southern Long Leaf pine needle gourd or porcelain center baskets are one of a kind.  If interested I explain the process for preparing the gourd and pine needles.  I use found driftwood, gemstones, waxed linen, and other curious objects like philodendron leaf and palm inflorescence.  Many of my baskets are now done on commission.

For those of you missing Gracehill B&B and the award-winning view, you can purchase my best sunset photos printed on canvas or aluminum at the art gallery.

I am having the time of my life.  Visit!

Gracehill Fine Art and Basketry 110 Mountain Ave Townsend TN   37882